Vietnamese Style Sandwich

This is the perfect sandwich for using leftover barbequed meat. That smoky flavor lends itself well to this recipe. I like using pickled vegetables in this sandwich but if you don’t have time for the veggies to marinate you can skip this step and go with raw veggies instead. To keep it simple, use a vegetable peeler to get the thin slices of carrot and cucumber.
Place vinegar, salt and sugar into a container and add carrots, radish and cucumber. Let it marinate for 1 hour or overnight. Drain before using. Slice the baguette in half and toast lightly. Combine mayonnaise and chili sauce in a small bowl and spread onto the bread. Layer with spinach, cilantro and onion. Top with sliced chicken, pork or beef. Finish with pickled veggies.

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HiTrick $ Treat, I love this, can eat them everyday….and yours looks smlipy delicious, and moist. May I have 3 pieces with iced coffee, ha ha.Have fun, and go on…keep on baking. You are good and creative.Lee.